This post is part of Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now…. When I saw today’s prompt was “But”, at first I thought of all the excuses I make. I know I should do something, but…. Then I was reminded of the fact that in our weakness God is strong. So instead I decided to write on the But God statements that encourage me and keep my going when I am not strong enough in myself. (Which is all of the time!) I am often inconsistent and unfaithful, but God is always faithful…
This post is part of Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now…. Today I ran errands alone and didn’t turn on the car radio. I didn’t listen to a podcast or an audio book. I didn’t even have Siri give me directions except on a very short jaunt to the UPS store that I hadn’t been to before. Maybe it seems like a small thing, to just sit in silence, but it seems like these days we always have some kind of background noise going. My children listen to audio books while…
As part of my goal to write more in 2025, I decided to join back up with Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups as often as I can. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now… When I saw today’s prompt of “favor“, I immediately thought of God’s favor and grace in salvation. Because I have been studying I Peter 1 lately, I have been considering God’s goodness in sovereignly sending His Son to die in my place. In I Peter 1, we see that it is also God’s grace that leads us to obedience and holiness. It is…
Ah, hello there, poor neglected blog and readers! I bet you thought I’d completely forgotten you and would never return! But no, I have thought of writing so very many times, and I simply kept talking myself out of it. The longer I am away, the harder it always seems to return. It is tricky to think of just how to begin again. But here I am at last, ready to dust off my writing cap and try it anyway, awkward as these new beginnings always are. Since it is the early part of the new year, I am still…
Testing, testing…Is anybody still out there in blog-land? I feel like I need to apologize for not being here myself. But supposedly, you’re not supposed to do that, at least according to the blogging gurus. Well, I gave up doing things according to them a long time ago. SO…..sorry I’ve been AWOL! There are reasons, and I want to explain. Last time I posted, I was getting ready to go to the AmblesideOnline retreat. I thought I would come back and be able to write a post about all I learned. But life got so busy that I just haven’t…