Day 19: Who #write31days2018 #fiveminutefriday

Who am I? I have been doing a lot of contemplation of the concept of identity lately, especially as it relates to my identity in Christ. The relationship I have to the King of kings is truly life-altering when I live in that reality. I am a daughter of the Creator of the universe, and no one can ever take away my rights as an heir to the kingdom of God. Wow. It leaves me speechless and in awe.

How does my identity in Christ shape me in my roles as a wife, mother, friend? That is what I am working out now in the day to day. If I am secure in my position before God, then I should behave differently. My value does not come from my earthly relationships, but blessing does flow from cultivating those relationships. I should be self-less and loving, faithful and honest, not moved by fear of the future or waves of cultural shifts. When I find my security and value in God alone, I am free to fully love others as He would love them. 

I can’t say I am there yet….far, far from it! But the goal is there. And the Holy Spirit is in me, changing me little by little, as I allow Him to work in my heart and life. Praise be to God that He knows who I am and still loves me!

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”


I am also linking up with the Five Minute Friday community today. To read more posts by bloggers on this prompt “praise” visit the link-up.

Day 12: Praise #write31days2018

As the wife of a music pastor, the words “praise and worship” carry a lot of connotations and ideas with them that I don’t have time to go into here. But one of the things about being involved in leading church music is this: Sometimes I have to praise God when I don’t feel like it. And I have to do it in front of people.

Now, I know that may sound like I’m saying that I sometimes I’m being fake and just putting on a show. But no. Actually, the truth is that when I get up to sing with my husband and lead the congregation in song to the Lord, that is often the time when God works on my heart most during the whole church service.

It is in those times I can almost forget the room full of people in front of me, and I feel like I am alone with my Savior. Sometimes I come with a heavy heart or a weary mind, and I don’t want to praise Him. But when I open my mouth and sing the words of truth about Who He is, something happens in my heart that washes His Spirit’s power over me in a way that nothing else can.

I wrote earlier in the week about doing creative things even when I’m not feeling inspired. Praising God in the times when I don’t feel like praising Him is similar, but even more powerful.

Praising God tells Satan and his minions that I am on the side of the Victor, even when the battle feels like it’s going badly. Praising God reminds me that my feelings are not always telling me what is True. Praising God shows the Lord obedience and love and faithfulness, and He always rewards that act. So I would challenge you today, bring your sacrifice of praise and see what blessing He will pour out as a result. I think you will be glad you did!

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”


I am also linking up with the Five Minute Friday community today. To read more posts by bloggers on this prompt “praise” visit the link-up.

Day 5: Share #write31days2018

When I first saw today’s prompt of “share” I thought I would go in the obvious direction of community, friendship, etc. Thus the photo I chose to today’s graphic. But this morning my devotional contemplations led me in a different vein of thought, so here goes nothing! Timer on…

This morning my devotional meditation was about feeling pain but not acting out of pain. As I meditated on that idea, I was also thinking about why we are supposed to feel pain and suffering. The Bible says that we are to share Christ’s sufferings so that we may rejoice all the more when His glory is revealed.

But if I am honest, I don’t like suffering. I run from pain. I try to numb it. Don’t we all shy away from that which causes us discomfort? Of course. But are we really supposed to? Or are we supposed to let the pain and hurt of living in this fallen world point us to something greater?

Sharing in Christ’s suffering allows me to understand his sacrifice more deeply. It allows me to empathize with the pain of those hurting around me in the world. It allows me to see the deeper cause of my discomfort, the sin hidden deep within, if I will let it.

Pain has a purpose. If I run from it or try to soothe it with a temporary fix, I only delay the healing. But if I lean into Christ, sharing His grief for a hurting, sin-sick world, then I can also experience His healing more deeply. Then I can rejoice all the more when the final healing and restoration come, when His glory is fully revealed! Hallelujah!

But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed.

1 Peter 4:13

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”

I am also linking up with the Five Minute Friday community today. To read more posts by bloggers on this prompt “share” visit the link-up.

Adapt: becoming a new creation, #fiveminutefriday

adapt: to make fit (as for a new use), often by modification

~Mirriam-Webster dictionary~

I’ve been thinking a lot a bout “fit-ness” lately. My husband and I recently got FitBits, and we have been working on increasing our activity level and eating less. We realize we aren’t getting any younger or fitter by just sitting around doing nothing. If we want to feel better and be able to do the work we have to do and enjoy life, we know we have to get our physical bodies in line with those goals.

But at the same time, I’ve been trying to get in better shape emotionally and spiritually so that I can be a better servant of Christ and a better mother, wife and friend. I need to be fit for all the roles God has given me. And most importantly, I need to be fit for the kingdom!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Corinthians 5:17

As a new creation in Christ, I have a new identity. But I usually walk around identifying with the old self, believing lies from Satan about who I am. I often believe I am worthless, a failure, destined for a life of depression and destruction. But that is not who God says I am. He says I am worthy, holy, redeemed, and whole, destined for a crown and a life in His kingdom in glory! I have to adapt my body for physical success. I also have to adapt my mind and heart for spiritual success, speaking the truth to myself and believing what God says about me and my future.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

This post is part of the Five Minute Fridays link-up hosted by Kate Motaung. Join the FMF community and get your free-write on! Find my other Five Minute Fridays posts here.

Turn, turn, turn- Five Minute Fridays

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)…

This old song by “The Byrds” popped into my head immediately with this week’s prompt. I started thinking about the concept of seasons, both in the weather and in life. Right now here in Middle Tennessee we are experiencing a cooler than usual spring, as I’m sure many others are, as well. But the seasons definitely are changing. The leaves are opening on the trees. The wildflowers are blooming in the fields and woods. The birds are nesting and singing sweetly each morning. It is a hopeful time.

Thankfully, the seasons seem to be changing a bit in our family life as well. After a long, difficult transition period over the last couple of years, we are coming into a spring of sorts. My children are older and more able to help me and help themselves around the house. We are in a good rhythm in our homeschool days. My husband and I have been exercising and keeping each other accountable to get back to taking care of our health. Our finances have stabilized thanks to more part time work and generous gifts from friends and family. And our house is under contract again, and there is hope that we will actually get to close the sale this time around! I am reading some excellent books and doing some deep thinking, forming newer and healthier thinking habits. We are putting down roots here in TN, and it feels like growth is happening. Change is coming, and it feels good!

This post is part of the Five Minute Fridays link-up hosted by Kate Motaung. Join the FMF community and get your free-write on! Find my other Five Minute Fridays posts here.