This post is part of Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now…. When I saw today’s prompt was “But”, at first I thought of all the excuses I make. I know I should do something, but…. Then I was reminded of the fact that in our weakness God is strong. So instead I decided to write on the But God statements that encourage me and keep my going when I am not strong enough in myself. (Which is all of the time!) I am often inconsistent and unfaithful, but God is always faithful…
Welcome, back friends! This week on the blog I am sharing my 2025 sewing plans as they stand right now. These plans are being held pretty loosely because, as you will see in the photo collage below, I don’t yet have fabrics for all the patterns I am considering sewing. I have seen the term “Make Nine” used around the inter webs for some folks garment crafting plans, and I think it is most commonly used on Instagram (which I no longer use myself). It just so happens that I have nine vintage sewing patterns in my queue, so I…
This post is part of Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now…. Today I ran errands alone and didn’t turn on the car radio. I didn’t listen to a podcast or an audio book. I didn’t even have Siri give me directions except on a very short jaunt to the UPS store that I hadn’t been to before. Maybe it seems like a small thing, to just sit in silence, but it seems like these days we always have some kind of background noise going. My children listen to audio books while…
It has been an unseasonably warm few days here in our little part of Colorado, sunny and balmy and quite spring-like! The kids and I have been taking our school books outside by mid-morning so that we can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine before more snow and cold returns. This mid-winter thaw finds me in a transition not just between months, but also between books. I finished up a couple of things at the end of January and have yet to fill their places in my reading rotation. Perhaps as I write this post, it will help me decide…
A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands; …I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord,A scented gift and remembrancer designedly dropped,Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that wemay see and remark, and say Whose? Walt Whitman, from “Song of Myself” Small gifts, simple joys, everyday beauties that we often fail to notice. These are the handkerchiefs of God. These are the moments when we can choose to remember that we are loved, blessed, held by the gentle hand of the Almighty. The way the afternoon light slants through the windowpane…