
Hi! Welcome to Tuning Hearts! Whether you are an old friend stopping by to check out my new space, or a new face popping in to say hello for the first time, I do hope you will make yourself right at home! Pull up a chair, fill a cup with your favorite hot (or cold) drink, and stay a while!

Who I am . . .

I guess I should start off with a little introduction. I am notoriously bad at introducing myself to new people in real life (do I hear an amen from the introverts in the house?), but online it does not feel quite as intimidating. My name is Kiel, which is pronounced like the city of Kiev, only with an “l” at the end. Another way of remembering it is to say “key” and the letter “l” with an accent on the second syllable. I am wife to Paul, my multi-talented INTJ husband of nearly 13 years, and best friend for a couple years longer! I am also a homeschooling momma to two sweet and silly kiddos, Josiah, age 6, and Annika, age 2 (who does not really do “school” yet, of course, but has to be included in EVERYTHING her big brother does!) Most importantly, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and a daily recipient of His grace and forgiveness. Goodness knows I fail Him all too often and need massive doses of that grace to make it through each day! Our family, like every other family, has its quirks and unique set of interests and hobbies, and I hope to share a bunch of those things with you here. Maybe we will find we have a little bit in common!

Why Tuning Hearts . . .

If you are familiar with the hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” you might have already guessed that is where I got the idea for this blog’s name. I know that my own life is painfully out of tune with God’s grand symphony of praise. I believe my calling as a wife and mother is not only to bring my own heart back in tune, but also to help tune the hearts of my children so that we can all sing God’s praise together. As we have embarked on our homeschooling journey, I have discovered that living books and beautiful ideas are wonderful tools for helping align both my heart and those of my children to hear those heavenly harmonies a little more clearly. One main reason I wanted to start blogging here was to give myself a space to share what I am reading and learning through those living books. I hope writing down these truths will help them sink a little deeper into my mind while also helping others along the way! I would love it if this little corner of the internet became a place of community and grace for others who are also seeking to be more in tune with the Creator!

By the way . . .

Even if you are not a Christian, I do hope you will feel welcome in this space. I want it to be a safe place to share thoughts and ideas and be able to at peace with one another, agreeing to disagree when necessary! I plan to post on a wide variety of topics from our daily life, not just faith. Everything from educational philosophy to music, from art to personality types, from natural living/wellness to real food and gluten-free cooking, from child-rearing to nature journalling, and everything in between! This is not just a homeschooling blog, or a faith blog, or a book blog, or a family blog, or a cooking blog. I guess it is a lifestyle blog, because this is our life, and we do it in our own style! Come join us on the journey. Let’s make a little music along the way!