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Feeling A Little Rusty

Creeeeeeak! Oh, sorry, that’s just the sound of my rusty brain and typing fingers trying to get warmed up. It has been far longer than I planned to be away from the blog, and I feel a bit out of my element as I try to start writing again. For starters, I guess a little update on our current situation may be in order.

Our little family completed our move successfully a couple of weeks back, thanks to help from a few friends, new and old. We feel pretty well settled in to our rental house now, and it is so nice not to be driving back and forth between states every week. However, we have yet for our old house to sell, so that still weighs on our minds and our bank account. But we know the Lord will provide and get it sol for us, all in His timing. For now, we are happy to be in Tennessee and to be together as a family.

Homeschooling is going along well again, and we are finding a new normal and new routines that work in our new house. Now I hope I can begin to add more normal activities back into my daily rhythm, not the least of which is getting back to blogging. Happily, I have a little external motivation to write more since I found the Five Minute Friday community. And it just so happens that there is a Write 31 Days challenge starting on October 1! I love the idea of kick-starting my writing with a daily free write challenge. Some of the free writes may show up on the blog, and others probably won’t. My main goal is just to have a time every day where I set the timer and use the prompt to write something, anything, for 5 minutes. I can hardly wait to see how this challenge impacts my writing!

If you want to follow along and find all my Write 31 Days posts, just click the Write31Days tag at the bottom of this page/post. I also plan to participate in Five Minute Friday posting as much as possible, so you can find those posts tagged FiveMinuteFriday.

If you are visiting Tuning Hearts from the Five Minute Friday community, won’t you let me know in the comments? I look forward to hearing from you!

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