Faith Talk - Life in General - Writing Life

What Motivates Me? #fiveminutefriday

I will be the first to admit that I am not easily motivated to do things that are not easy, comfortable or enjoyable for me. And I am not naturally very self-disciplined. I need outside deadlines and accountability to really stay on task over the long haul. The new year has been a good time for me to renew my motivation and to set goals for action, but what will keep my motivated to follow through on these goals? I hope that having come up with my “why” for all my goals will be what keeps me coming back over and over to keep making progress. And I know that the more I let other people in on my goals, the more accountability I will feel to continue growing, bit by bit. Most of all, I want to become a better person, and that motivates me to keep moving forward, even when I don’t feel like working hard. Some people need reminders to slow down. Not me. I need motivation to keep going when the going gets tough. So, if you notice a few more posts this year about how I am making progress toward my goals, consider yourself part of my personal accountability group! And thanks for keeping me on task!

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

~Philippians 3:12-14

What motivates you to buckle down and do hard things? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

P.S.-It’s been a long time since I participated in Five Minute Fridays, but I am making it one of my goals to write one of these posts at least once a month! So, welcome back to my FMF blogger friends! I hope we’ll see each other around more often in 2018. 

This post is part of Five Minute Fridays. To read my other FMF posts, click here, or on the tag #fiveminutefriday at the bottom of the page. 

3 Comments on “What Motivates Me? #fiveminutefriday

  1. Hi Kiel – I’m next door to you at #73 in the FMF linkup this week. I was struck by your idea of focusing on the “why” of your goals. That makes so much sense. Sometimes I set a goal and my “why” is pretty vague — or, when I really think about it, kind of lame: because X expects it of me. Because everyone else is doing it. Because I’ll be liked more. I think a deeper “why” that resonates more with who I really am is going to make me more likely to accomplish my goals. Thanks a lot for sharing and I hope to see you around FMF again this year!

  2. Hi Kiel, I started FMF sometime last Spring. I love the verse at the end. May we all keep our eyes on the prize. If you need an accountability partner for any of your goals, we should chat sometime. I have a lot ahead, and I too am used to a slower pace. Blessings upon your Saturday, Julie Dibble

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