• Homemaking - Life as Mom - Life in General

    Keeping the Laundry Monster at Bay: Homemaking Series, Part 5

    Welcome back to the Homemaking For Real People series! We’ve made it to week 5 already, and today I’m talking about laundry. Yes, I know it is not the most glamorous or exciting part of our homemaking duties, but it is still important. And since it seems to be an area in which a lot of people struggle, I thought I’d share a few things that have helped me keep the dreaded “laundry monster” at bay in our home. Have a Routine: I’ve said it before in this series, but it bears repeating. Having a predictable routine for your housekeeping…

  • Homemaking - Life as Mom - Life in General

    Why Just “Good Enough” Housekeeping? Homemaking Series, Pt. 2

    The Backstory Before I jump into the how of creating a “good enough” housekeeping routine, I wanted to give you a little backstory on the why. When my husband and I were newlyweds, we both started working outside the home right away, and when we were home in the evenings and on weekends we generally shared the load of housework pretty evenly. After he finished seminary and got a full-time job in music ministry, we decided I would stay home. But we did not have children for a few years, so I got used to having a lot of time during the…

  • Homemaking - Life as Mom - Natural Wellness

    Fitting in Fitness as a Stay-at-Home Mom

     Let me preface this post by saying I am by no means a fitness fanatic. In fact, most of my life I have tried to find ways to avoid strenuous exercise such as running or lifting weights. It is highly unlikely you will ever find me joining CrossFit or Camp Gladiator or the like. However, as a wife and mother inching ever closer to that “dreaded” decade beginning with the number “4,” I am becoming increasingly aware of my need to take better care of my physical health. It’s not about being a certain weight or fitting into a certain…

  • Frugal Living - Homemaking - Life as Mom - Life in General

    Intro to Homemaking for Real People: Homemaking Series, Part 1

    Do you ever look at images on Pinterest or Instagram and ask yourself, “Does she ever do anything besides clean or cook and take pictures of the results?” Or maybe you are more tempted to ask, “Why can’t my house ever look that picture-perfect?” Either way, going down that rabbit hole of comparison is a dangerous path to take, isn’t it? We have to remember that those little pictures are not the whole package. We can only see a small piece of someone else’s life, and what we see may or may not reflect real life. Why write about homemaking…

  • Life in General

    My Goals for GROWTH in 2018, Part 1: Relationships

    As promised, I am back with a post about my goals for 2018! In my last post, I talked a little about the word I have chosen to be my theme for the year: GROWTH. All my goals this year center on that idea of slow, steady progress. I have divided my goals up into a few different general areas: Relational Growth, Personal Growth, and Professional Growth. This first post will focus on my goals in growing the relationships God has given me. Goals for Relational Growth Be more intentional about showing love to my husband in ways that mean…