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How Embarrassing! – True Confessions of a Book Blogger

I am going to admit something really embarrassing as a book blogger. I debated whether or not to even post about this because y’all are going to laugh at me. But they say confession is a laugh, I am going to just put it all out there.

Readers, I finished an entire book, loved the book, and even blogged and posted on social media about this book….all while thinking I was reading an entirely different book! Ugh. There I said it. Want to know what book I was actually reading, versus which book I thought I was reading?

Ok, I just finished Call the of the Wild. I thought it was White Fang. Again, ugh!

In my defense, I was not actually reading this book with my eyes but listening to it on audio via the Volumes app on my iPad. And at least I was reading a book about a dog, and it was by the same author. But I still feel really silly. I mean, the audio book cover art DOES have the title right there on it. And I just overlooked it completely. I had the title “White Fang” stuck in my head, so I just kept on believing that was what I was listening to. Nevermind the fact that the words “call” and “wild” are key words that keep showing up over and over throughout the story. There was some mention of “fangs” in there, too, but I don’t think that justifies such a glaring mistake on my part!

So, there you have it. My embarrassing confession of reading an entire book without even knowing what I was reading! I’m sure there is some deeper meaning or lesson you could pull out of this silly little story of mine, but I’m not even going to try and redeem myself at this point. I am, however, going to sit down and actually start reading the REAL White Fang by Jack London now, since I picked up the print copy from my local library today. I’ll tell you how it goes!

But before I close, someone please tell me you’ve done something like this before! After all, confession is good for the soul!

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