Faith Talk

Heart Work: Letting God Perform Spiritual Surgery

Has God ever invited you to undergo spiritual surgery? Maybe you were listening to a sermon on an average Sunday morning, when a certain word or phrase the pastor spoke struck you. Then later on you read something in a book or on a blog that addressed the same idea and kept you thinking about it the rest of the day. A few days later, you were driving around listening to a favorite podcast, when the guest mentioned dealing with the same thing that you have been mulling over all week. I am sure I am not the only one who has experiences like this, when it becomes abundantly clear that the Lord is speaking to you about a specific issue or area of your life. The question is, what do we do when we feel the Lord prompting us to listen?

I have had some recent experience like this, and as tempting as it is to just say, “Oh, yes, Lord, I know I need to think about that, but I’m pretty busy right now,” I know that cannot be my response. God has been speaking to me about some deeply significant heart issues that need healing and transformation. If I want true change, I am going to have to do the work alongside Him. I need to deal with the sin, the pain, and the ugliness so that I can experience the sanctification, the healing, and the joy on the other side.

The thing is, it is hard to open up, even to my loving God, and let Him shine the light on my darkest parts. It would be easier to just put a spiritual bandaid on it and pretend I’m doing fine. Listen to some upbeat worship music, commit to more Bible memory or more service at church, any busy work to keep from dealing with what is really wrong. But then the cancer of my sin and Satan’s lies are just going to keep growing and taking deeper root. No, I can’t let that happen. Not this time. The Lord has been speaking to me, and I am going to take the time to listen, to seek His will. It will hurt, I know, but I am willing to let Him do some serious spiritual surgery. I need His Truth to cut through those lies that have taken up residence in my mind and heart. I need the water of the Word to wash my heart and refresh my weary soul. I am ready for Him to do some deep heart work so I can experience deep healing. How about you?

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