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Goals and Intentions for 2025

Hello again, readers! Here we are, a few weeks into the new year, and perhaps the shine has already begun to wear off a little for some of you. I know that we are now over a week past what is now dubbed “Quitter’s Day”, the day when most average folks give up those fabulous New Year’s resolutions they made with such high hopes. I am also aware than many people who have slightly more realistic expectations don’t make resolutions but do set some time aside to reflect on ways to improve themselves going forward. In recent years, I have also noticed a growing trend toward acknowledging that here in the Northern Hemisphere, at least, the natural world is asleep, awaiting the coming of spring. Although the trees, flowers, and many animals are in hibernation, there is still work being done…but it is slow, quiet, hidden work, underground work in the dark and still earth. The people who recognize this ask why we as modern humans have such an inclination to fight nature and try to drum up the energy to start new things and make drastic changes at a time of year when we should, naturally, be taking things a bit more slowly. And I tend to agree that winter is not the ideal time to revamp my whole life.

In light of this, over Christmas I did some reflecting on what things I would like to work on in the coming year, but I made very small goals for either continuing habits I was already working on or for things I want to increase as the year goes forward. Instead of huge changes and resolutions, I looked at different areas of my life and wrote down some things I intend to focus more on. These are guiding ideas that will help me make better choices about spending my time, taking care of myself, and building healthy relationships. I picked some small habits that will aim me toward improvement in those areas, and I will continue to build on them as each one gets easier for me to follow through with as the year progresses. But at the same time, I am being realistic about my energy levels, the effects of light and weather on my mood, and the things that make most sense for the season we are in.

So here are some of my gentle goals that work well for this time of being indoors more, of quiet work at home. These do not cover all my goals for 2025, but they are the ones I am actively giving attention to right now.

Health and Fitness:

After a challenging 2024, I need to lose a little stress weight gain. One of the things that I have noticed helps me feel better is not eating grains, so I am gradually reducing my grain consumption and increasing the amount of proteins and fruits and veg I eat. I also am trying to increase my step count, although I am attempting to be gracious to myself in this area as winter is not my favorite time to get out and walk in the cold, even though I know it is good for me!

Personal Development:

Reading and writing are high on my list of activities I want to do more this winter, as well as other creative pursuits. Knitting and crochet are great this time of year, and I also could sew some things if I made the time for it. (More on this in another post.) One more creative pursuit that is easier for me to get into this time of year is practicing piano. I have been neglecting to play piano for years, and I aim to get back to playing a little every day, even if it is just for a few minutes.


My husband and I were in the habit of monthly date nights until our move really messed up our routine. We recently found a local AWANA program for both our kids to participate in, with nothing for the “grown-ups” during that time…so date nights are back on the calendar! I also want to build more fun time with the kids into my regular habits, since most of the time we currently spend together is school or other responsibilities that don’t really feel like fun all the time. I aim to start playing board games with them more often, hopefully building up to once a week. This is not a family habit we have ever had, so it will take some time to build, but winter is the perfect season for it!


Because we are still in a transition time regarding church, and I don’t have the discipleship offered by my former Sunday school class and Wednesday night Bible study group, I decided I need to up my quiet time game at home. In the past few years I have been primarily following a Bible in a Year program of one kind or another. Last year, I did it all via audio, and I had to admit by the end of the year that I wasn’t really listening attentively or taking in much at all. So this year I am taking a break from reading through the whole Bible and instead am focussing on doing an in depth study of one book at a time. I chose to start with 1 Peter this month, and I am following a study by Lisa Hughs of Scripture Paths. She has many free book of the Bible studies available on her website, and they go verse by verse using the inductive method. I am really enjoying it so far and learning to slow down and take my time again after several years of feeling like I had to rush to check off all the readings for a day to stay on schedule.

So there are some of the quiet, slow goals I am working on right now. Maybe as the seasons change I will return to this theme and share some other goals as I add them when the time is right for new things. In the meantime, whether you are a goal-getter or a winter hibernator, I hope you will be good to yourself and those around you, remembering to be mindful of the season you are in.


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