As part of my goal to write more in 2025, I decided to join back up with Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups as often as I can. Here is my post for this week’s prompt:
Time begins now…
When I saw today’s prompt of “favor“, I immediately thought of God’s favor and grace in salvation. Because I have been studying I Peter 1 lately, I have been considering God’s goodness in sovereignly sending His Son to die in my place. In I Peter 1, we see that it is also God’s grace that leads us to obedience and holiness. It is my desire to live in a way that honors and pleases Christ because He made the ultimate sacrifice for me. As Scripture says, “It is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance” (my paraphrase of Romans 2:4). He was innocent. I am not. Yet he gave up His heavenly throne and stooped down to become nothing. For me.
My response can only infinite gratitude and humility. But how can I keep this thought before me more? How can this gratitude and humility shape my behavior toward others in my everyday life?
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
Lord, help me to be holy because you are holy, because of your infinite grace and favor.
Time’s up…
Well said, but I agree, it is easier to write about being holy than to do it. Thankfully God favours the desires of our hearts rather than our feeble efforts! I am your neighbour at #8 on FMF
And that is the question. How to keep God foremost in my mind and heart. It is a daily struggle but eventually I get there.
It really is! Thank you for your comment!
Sorry, I accidently connected my my comment to yours.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
God, I really am a mess,
and You know it’s true.
I’ve got no shot at holiness
that doesn’t run through You.
Like a silly wayward sheep
I can’t even begin
a virtued life; even asleep,
I fall straight into sin,
so please, Lord, come give me a hand,
or even a raised fist.
Lead me to what You have planned
although I may resist,
and hold me close ’till I become
worthy to be called a son.
Wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your poetic comment!
So wonderfully spoken. I am encouraged by your message today.
Aw, thanks so much, Paula!
i’m glad I stopped in, thank you for joining our community, I think you’ll be a good addition! 🙂
Thank you, so much for clicking over and leaving a comment!