• Faith Talk - Uncategorized - Writing Life

    Surrender: Thoughts on Psalm 37 #fiveminutefriday

    In my devotional time lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Psalms. I feel like praying through the very prayers inspired by God helps train my heart and mind to desire what is right. Psalm 37 has been near and dear to my heart for a long time, but it has come to the forefront of my mind again lately as I have been working through some trust issues. This prompt of “surrender” took me back to Psalm 37 again. (I also found it a bit…um…interesting that I just wrote a post last week on the same…

  • Faith Talk - Life in General

    Simplify Your Focus: Five Minute Fridays

    This time of year there seems to be a plethora of self-improvement choices around the internet (and elsewhere). We are bombarded with choices for courses to take, books to read, or programs to join in order to better ourselves in some way or another. Some of that is good. It is helpful for us to have training and accountability in pursuing our goals. At the same time, though, sometimes all this amounts to is more noise, more comparison, more ways to feel like we aren’t good enough or aren’t doing enough. A few weeks ago, this was how I was…

  • Faith Talk - Life in General - Writing Life

    What Motivates Me? #fiveminutefriday

    I will be the first to admit that I am not easily motivated to do things that are not easy, comfortable or enjoyable for me. And I am not naturally very self-disciplined. I need outside deadlines and accountability to really stay on task over the long haul. The new year has been a good time for me to renew my motivation and to set goals for action, but what will keep my motivated to follow through on these goals? I hope that having come up with my “why” for all my goals will be what keeps me coming back over…

  • Faith Talk - Life in General - Writing Life

    What Do I Need? #fiveminutefriday

    Thinking about “needs” today, I was struck by how many things I think I need on a daily, or at least a regular basis: I need quiet. I need personal space. I need my morning tea. I need to write. I need to read. I need to create. I need to connect with my husband. I need to connect with my kids. I need time outside in nature. I need water. I need wholesome food. I need to feel understood. I need prayer. I need a plan. I need a to-do list. I need sleep. I need structure. I need…

  • Faith Talk - Writing Life

    Trusting the Author: #Write31Days Day 6

    I have have been keeping up with the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, but not all of them have been worthy of posting for various reasons. I am also writing them all out long hand, which means they are all pretty short. I could probably type faster and write more. But I feel like it is a good exercise for me to have to be very concise since my time is so limited. This post is from yesterday’s prompt, but I only got around to doing it today. We will see if I get any better at staying…