• Faith Talk - Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 16: Pray #write31days2018

    Not a day goes by that I don’t pray several times for help from God. Most of the time, it’s a quick prayer in the midst of sibling conflict between my two children. But in the morning, I usually do  have time for more focussed, less desperate prayers. However, I have found that those short send-ups for patience, wisdom and grace in moments of desperation are still meaningful. I am learning these days that I cannot control my children or the outcome of my parenting. I can only do what I think is best at the time and pray for…

  • Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 15: When #write31days2018

    In the early days of motherhood, I quickly realized how lost I was in the duties of housekeeping and homemaking. I had had all sorts of free time before having children, and I didn’t realize how much I would need to organize my days once children entered the picture. It was a steep learning curve, but I eventually got a handle on some sort of routine. I at least knew when I needed to do certain tasks to keep the house running somewhat smoothly. Now that my children are entering more independent elementary and preschool ages, I find myself with…

  • Homeschooling - Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 6: Belong #write31days2018

    Ever since I was a little girl, I have struggled with finding where I belong. It’s not that I didn’t have a loving family or good friends. But I have always felt like I was a little different and didn’t quite belong to my peer group. Even as an adult l struggle to find a place where I feel like I am really more than just a curious outsider that the “in crowd” tolerates having around.  The difference is that now I know that I am not alone in feeling this way. Especially in this age of online comparison in…

  • Homemaking - Homeschooling - Life as Mom - Life in General

    Setting Intentions and Atmosphere in Our Home

    I sat at the dining room table Sunday afternoon, notebook open in front of me and pen in hand, waiting for some ideas to come. After weeks of growing discontentment with our current routine and the attitudes in our home, especially surrounding chores and school, I was ready for a change.  But what kind of change? I knew I had to set the tone with more positivity and a fresh atmosphere, so I set down a few ideas for adding positive reinforcement and a little more loveliness into our day.  One of the problems we have been struggling with is…

  • Homemaking - Life as Mom - Life in General

    The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 6, 2018

    This week I thought it would be fun to take a departure from my usual blog format and participate in The Simple Woman’s Daybook link-up. This is an opportunity for you all to get a little glimpse into an average day around here at the Lemon house, and for me to record some of the simple, but still special, parts of our life to look back on in the future. Today Looking out my window… it is a mostly sunny, hot afternoon here in Middle Tennessee. The grass is getting dry and crunchy underfoot because we have not had rain for…