This week I thought it would be fun to take a departure from my usual blog format and participate in The Simple Woman’s Daybook link-up. This is an opportunity for you all to get a little glimpse into an average day around here at the Lemon house, and for me to record some of the simple, but still special, parts of our life to look back on in the future.

Looking out my window… it is a mostly sunny, hot afternoon here in Middle Tennessee. The grass is getting dry and crunchy underfoot because we have not had rain for a long while. I do hope we get some good soaking soon.
I am thinking…that it is time for another brain dump! I have a lot going on over the next couple of months, and I just added a new virtual assistant job to my plate! My head is in need of some organization, and so is my calendar.
I am thankful…for my family. We have been through some rough seasons over the past few years, and even now I feel like parenting is the most sanctifying thing that a person can experience. But we are blessed to have one another, and my husband and children truly are my favorite people!
One of my favorite things…in case you didn’t already know, is this Tetley British Blend tea! I drink a cuppa with cream or half and half every morning, and most afternoons. Cheers!
I am creating…hmmm, I haven’t been doing much hand-crafting lately. All my creative juices have been poured into creating graphics for the blog or the podcasts I manage.
I am wearing…mismatched workout shorts and a t-shirt. I haven’t exercised yet today, but I am going to before the day is over! (And this is where I just about run out of pictures for this post….)
I am reading…The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. I just started it last night, though, so don’t ask me anything about it just yet. It’s on my Back to the Classics list. The last Wharton I read tore me up, in the best way, and I suspect this one will, too.
I am listening to…old rebroadcasts of Elizabeth Elliot’s radio program, Gateway to Joy. I just found out about it through post in one of my facebook groups, and I knew I needed to listen to the wisdom of this great woman of the faith!
I am hoping…my husband will be able to pick up our new school bus in the next couple of weeks! We are converting it into an RV. (This will be our second time doing this…our first bus bit the dust last fall, so we are replacing it!)
I am learning…how to meditate on the Scriptures through Kari Denker’s free resource, Meditation119. We started with the first 8 verses in Psalm 119 in July, and now many of us are moving on to the next section in August.
In my kitchen…this week we are going to eat out of the freezer, fridge and pantry. Last week my grocery bill was twice what it normally would be, so I have challenged myself to make meals and snacks this week with what we already have on hand.
In the school room…today we changed things up a bit by doing Morning Recitations (our memory work) right after breakfast, before starting our morning chores. My son also did one of his readings on his own and narrated to me while I did dishes. This dramatically shortened our lesson time later on, and I think we will continue this routine!
Board room…I haven’t spent much time on Pinterest lately, but it is a really fun place to find and collect ideas for our new Bus Conversion! We are thinking about doing a split galley kitchen somewhat along the lines of this one. You can find my “The Bus Life” board here.
Post Script…don’t forget to check back here on Wednesday for my brand-spanking-new link-up, “Wellness Wednesday!” I would love to have you join me in writing and sharing our wellness journeys!
Shared Quote…a quote I have been thinking about today is from Alfred Lord Tennyson:
It is better to have tried and failed than to live life wondering what would have happened if I had tried.
A moment from my day…I can’t stop admiring my newly organized bookcase in the family room. It was a lot of work, but now I have this lovely and functional space that makes my heart happy!
Closing Notes…Thanks for reading and taking a peek into the ordinary-extraordinary that is my life right now! You can find the original Simple Woman’s Daybook post for today here.