• Natural Wellness

    Wellness Wednesday: Back to the Basics

    It’s another Wellness Wednesday! Here in March the theme for me is getting “Back to the Basics.” Throughout the past year I have made good strides toward better mental and emotional wellness. And I feel okay physically, but not in tip-top shape. I am getting chiropractic care for the first time in years, which is fantastic. But the other day I stepped on the scale just to check in, and WHOOPS! I had gained a few pounds in a rather short period of time. Now, I know the scale does not tell all, but I also know that my clothes…

  • Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 15: When #write31days2018

    In the early days of motherhood, I quickly realized how lost I was in the duties of housekeeping and homemaking. I had had all sorts of free time before having children, and I didn’t realize how much I would need to organize my days once children entered the picture. It was a steep learning curve, but I eventually got a handle on some sort of routine. I at least knew when I needed to do certain tasks to keep the house running somewhat smoothly. Now that my children are entering more independent elementary and preschool ages, I find myself with…

  • Faith Talk - Natural Wellness - Uncategorized

    Wellness Wednesday: More Than Just Bodies

    Typically, when we hear the words health, wellness or fitness, we immediately think of the physical components: good nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, etc. But the truth is that you and I are not just bodies. We are whole persons, each having a mind, a soul and a spirit. And our physical bodies are interconnected with our thoughts, emotions and spirituality in miraculous and mysterious ways. Our beliefs affect our thinking. Our thinking affects our feelings and choices. Our choices affect our bodies. And even more intriguing is all the neuroscience coming out about how our thoughts actually makes physical…

  • Life in General - Natural Wellness - Uncategorized

    Introducing Wellness Wednesday! A New Blog Link-up

    Hello! And welcome to our first official week of the Wellness Wednesday blog link-up! I am so excited to be hosting this link party, and I hope you will be encouraged and empowered as we share our wellness journeys here together.  Why am I starting the “Wellness Wednesday” link-up? Well, for a host of reasons. One, I am on something of a journey to physical, emotional and spiritual health and healing. Also, I have found some things lately that have been really helpful and inspiring, and I wanted to have a space to share them with others. Finally, I have…

  • Books and Reading

    The Reading Report, Vol. 13: Summer Reading Edition

    Wow, I can hardly believe it has been over a year since I started “The Reading Report” as a regular installment each month. I have so enjoyed keeping track of my reading and discussing books here on the blog. I hope you have found a few new titles to interest you, as well! For this July edition, I am going to share a quick recap of my summer reading so far, plus, what is up next on my list. My summer reading time has been pretty high due to long drives to family and my new habit of walking in…