When I created this Psalm 16 printable I did not expect to be posting it on the same day that our family received some bad news about the pending sale of our house in Illinois. Some problems came up unexpectedly, and now we are uncertain about what is going to happen next. Everything is completely up in the air and out of our control. To say today has been difficult would be an understatement.
How timely, then, that our pastor’s sermon Sunday was all about giving God praise and focussing on His attributes in our prayers rather than on our problems. So all evening I have been praying and meditating on some of my favorite Psalms, trying to fill my mind with His truth in place of all my worries. When I considered what I wanted to blog about tonight, I saw this printable waiting to be posted. What better time than now?
Psalm 16:11 speaks to the guidance and sufficiency of the Lord. Even in the midst of difficult physical circumstances, He lavishes us with every spiritual blessing. I look around at my situation and feel like everything is fall apart at the seams. But if I look at my good Father, I am reminded that He is fully in control and will take care of me. He can fill me with joy and abundance by His Spirit, even if I have nothing on earth. I just have to choose to look to Him, not at my temporary troubles. Admittedly, that is easier said than done! (Printing this Scripture print, however is as simple as this: click on the image above to download the PDF and print it out.)
May this Scripture printable be an encouragement to you as it has been to me!