• Faith Talk - Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 16: Pray #write31days2018

    Not a day goes by that I don’t pray several times for help from God. Most of the time, it’s a quick prayer in the midst of sibling conflict between my two children. But in the morning, I usually do  have time for more focussed, less desperate prayers. However, I have found that those short send-ups for patience, wisdom and grace in moments of desperation are still meaningful. I am learning these days that I cannot control my children or the outcome of my parenting. I can only do what I think is best at the time and pray for…

  • Faith Talk - Life in General - Uncategorized

    Psalm 121: Help for Your Journey (and a FREE Printable!)

    On Sunday, the pastor at our temporary church home taught from Psalm 121. This psalm has long been one of my favorites, and each time I read it, I am reminded of the Lord’s protection. If you are not familiar with Psalm 121, it starts out like this: I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 This psalm is part of a group of psalms known as the Songs of Ascent, meaning that they were sung on the journey up to…