Dear Reader, I do not quite know how to begin a post here after such a long absence. I can give no eloquent explanation for why I suddenly stopped writing blogs for over a year. I just got busy doing other things, I suppose, and was perhaps feeling a bit uninspired. But lately I have been longing to get back here and write again, so I decided to make writing regular posts (hopefully weekly!) one of my projects for 2025. I have a lot of ideas for topics, but first, I think a general life update is in order! Six…
The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of The Rings The year began as others have, with new plans and goals and hopes. We try to think ahead and prepare ourselves as best we can, but as humans we never can tell what the future holds. And this year has shown us all, I think, how…
Last week we signed a contract on a house here in Middle Tennessee. We had been looking and researching for a little while, but we weren’t really quite planning to buy so soon. However, the right house in the right location came up, and the price was right, too! So we jumped at the opportunity, and now we are waiting on all the inspections and such, hoping to close sometime before the end of March! The house is structurally in great condition, but the paint colors and carpet are sorely in need of an update. So my husband and I…
Wow, I really didn’t mean to take an almost 2-week long blogging break! Life around here has been a bit busier than normal, and I have had a lot going on in my head, too. I just could not seem to get my thoughts in order enough to even consider writing anything until tonight. It’s been a while since I just sat down and wrote a chatty post about what our family has been up to lately. So I thought I’d do that now. I hope you don’t mind! House Updates: In answer to many, many months of prayers, we…
I knew this would be challenging, moving to a new place and having to start all over again finding friends. But maybe I was not prepared for just how difficult it would be this time. You see, in past moves, I have always had some form of built-in community. When my husband and I first married and moved to Texas, I got a job right away and made acquaintances at work. When we moved to Illinois, it was for a church job, so right away I was in the middle of the busy life of the church and made new…