• Life in General - Uncategorized

    Goals and Intentions for 2025

    Hello again, readers! Here we are, a few weeks into the new year, and perhaps the shine has already begun to wear off a little for some of you. I know that we are now over a week past what is now dubbed “Quitter’s Day”, the day when most average folks give up those fabulous New Year’s resolutions they made with such high hopes. I am also aware than many people who have slightly more realistic expectations don’t make resolutions but do set some time aside to reflect on ways to improve themselves going forward. In recent years, I have…

  • Homemaking - Homeschooling - Life as Mom - Life in General

    Setting Intentions and Atmosphere in Our Home

    I sat at the dining room table Sunday afternoon, notebook open in front of me and pen in hand, waiting for some ideas to come. After weeks of growing discontentment with our current routine and the attitudes in our home, especially surrounding chores and school, I was ready for a change.  But what kind of change? I knew I had to set the tone with more positivity and a fresh atmosphere, so I set down a few ideas for adding positive reinforcement and a little more loveliness into our day.  One of the problems we have been struggling with is…