• Homeschooling - Uncategorized

    Planning Our Homeschool Year

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, it is Christmastime! And in our homeschool that means a more relaxed schedule with more fun and freedom. It also means it is planning time for me! Since we homeschool year-round and have a January start, this is the time of year I get all our new books ordered and figure out what our new school year is going to look like. I already got my first shipment on new-to-us classics, and I was so excited! This year I decided to be a little more proactive and plan out more of…

  • Homeschooling

    Memory, Hither Come: Memory Work in our Homeschool

    “Memory, hither come, And tune your merry notes; And, while upon the wind Your music floats, I’ll pore upon the stream, Where sighing lovers dream And fish for fancies as they pass Within the watery glass.” ~William Blake When I first began homeschooling, we were using a popular neoclassical curriculum that involved a lot of rote memorization of facts and lists. At first we had fun with chants and songs and games to help us both remember these random tidbits of information. I was told that all these names and dates were pegs on which my son would later be…

  • Homeschooling

    A Year in the Books: Reviewing our First Year with Ambleside Online

    Last week marked a big milestone in our homeschool, but it passed by pretty quietly and uneventfully. We finished our Ambleside Online Year One work, closing the books and bidding farewell (for now) to beloved friends such as Jenny Wren and Peter Rabbit, King Harald Halfdanson, and Paddle-to-the-Sea. In less than two short months, we will pick back up where we left off with some of these characters, and add new acquaintances and adventures to our happy little homeschool bookshelf! I am already quite excited about the books we will be reading in Year Two. But before I get too…

  • Books and Reading - Homeschooling - Life as Mom - Uncategorized

    The Life-giving Habit of Mother Culture

    There is no sadder sight in life than a mother, who has so used herself up in her children’s childhood, that she has nothing to give them in their youth. from “Mother Culture” by “A.” in The Parents’ Review, vol. 3, no. 2, pgs. 92-95 I had never heard the term “mother culture” until about two years ago when I was listening to Leah Boden talk about it in one of her Periscope broadcasts. At the time, I was knee deep in the duties of caring for a young infant—diapering, nursing, feeding, bathing, soothing, and all the rest. I was…

  • Homeschooling - Podcast Addicted - Uncategorized

    Podcast Round-Up: Classical Charlotte Mason Education Edition

    Here we are back at last with the second post in my Podcast Round-up series! If you are a podcast addict like me, you are always looking for new listening material. And if you are anywhere on the classical homeschooling spectrum, you are going to love this list! If you missed the first post in my Podcast Round-up series, it was focussed on some of my favorite podcasts for homeschool mom encouragement. This time around, I am narrowing that focus even more to podcasts specifically geared toward the subject of Classical, Charlotte Mason style home education. Some of these are…