This post is part of Five Minute Fridays Link-Ups. Here is my post for this week’s prompt: Time begins now…. Today I ran errands alone and didn’t turn on the car radio. I didn’t listen to a podcast or an audio book. I didn’t even have Siri give me directions except on a very short jaunt to the UPS store that I hadn’t been to before. Maybe it seems like a small thing, to just sit in silence, but it seems like these days we always have some kind of background noise going. My children listen to audio books while…
Who am I? I have been doing a lot of contemplation of the concept of identity lately, especially as it relates to my identity in Christ. The relationship I have to the King of kings is truly life-altering when I live in that reality. I am a daughter of the Creator of the universe, and no one can ever take away my rights as an heir to the kingdom of God. Wow. It leaves me speechless and in awe. How does my identity in Christ shape me in my roles as a wife, mother, friend? That is what I am…
As the wife of a music pastor, the words “praise and worship” carry a lot of connotations and ideas with them that I don’t have time to go into here. But one of the things about being involved in leading church music is this: Sometimes I have to praise God when I don’t feel like it. And I have to do it in front of people. Now, I know that may sound like I’m saying that I sometimes I’m being fake and just putting on a show. But no. Actually, the truth is that when I get up to sing with…
When I first saw today’s prompt of “share” I thought I would go in the obvious direction of community, friendship, etc. Thus the photo I chose to today’s graphic. But this morning my devotional contemplations led me in a different vein of thought, so here goes nothing! Timer on… This morning my devotional meditation was about feeling pain but not acting out of pain. As I meditated on that idea, I was also thinking about why we are supposed to feel pain and suffering. The Bible says that we are to share Christ’s sufferings so that we may rejoice all…
adapt: to make fit (as for a new use), often by modification ~Mirriam-Webster dictionary~ I’ve been thinking a lot a bout “fit-ness” lately. My husband and I recently got FitBits, and we have been working on increasing our activity level and eating less. We realize we aren’t getting any younger or fitter by just sitting around doing nothing. If we want to feel better and be able to do the work we have to do and enjoy life, we know we have to get our physical bodies in line with those goals. But at the same time, I’ve been trying…