I have been contemplating the idea of comfort often of late. There are many ways we seek comfort in life: comfort food, comfy clothes, a cozy blanket on the couch, hot tea on a chilly morning. And those are just examples of physical comfort. As modern Americans, we do not like to be uncomfortable. We like to be happy and healthy. And when we are uncomfortable we want to fix it. I’m not saying being comfortable is all bad. We need some level of peace and rest in life to recover. But this life is not free of pain, discomfort…
This time of year it is sometimes hard to notice beauty in our surroundings. Much of the United States is still seeing snow. Much more of it sees only brown mud and brown grass. The trees are bare and gray. The sky is often gray as well. I am often tempted to feel depressed by the length of winter in February. I long for the sun and the freshness of spring. However, I found this year that there is beauty to be found in the small things in nature, even in the dead of winter. My children and I discovered…
Thinking about “needs” today, I was struck by how many things I think I need on a daily, or at least a regular basis: I need quiet. I need personal space. I need my morning tea. I need to write. I need to read. I need to create. I need to connect with my husband. I need to connect with my kids. I need time outside in nature. I need water. I need wholesome food. I need to feel understood. I need prayer. I need a plan. I need a to-do list. I need sleep. I need structure. I need…
Yesterday my son wondered why there was a police officer on duty at the church we attended. Today he overheard a video on Instagram referring to the tragedy in Las Vegas last night. On both occasions I had to tell my son that there are some bad people doing bad things in our world today. We are not even safe at church, perhaps less so, actually. It is so hard to have these conversations with my children. I want to shield them from the hard, scary realities of these times in which we live. But they need to know the…