• Faith Talk - Life in General - Uncategorized

    Over the Horizon: When God Moves Us Beyond What We Can See

    The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of The Rings The year began as others have, with new plans and goals and hopes. We try to think ahead and prepare ourselves as best we can, but as humans we never can tell what the future holds. And this year has shown us all, I think, how…

  • Homeschooling - Life as Mom - Writing Life

    Day 29: Together #write31days2018

    I’m a day behind again (or still), so I’m just writing as if I’m not. Today was my son’s birthday, and we spent the whole day doing some of his favorite things together for fun. Going to the library, hiking at the park, buying new shoes, making his cake and pizza for dinner. We had a really great day. And I am so tired. It was all simple, nothing extravagant or expensive. (Well, the shoes seemed expensive, but my son needed two pairs and my daughter also needed a pair!) Just us. Together. This is pretty normal life for us.…