It’s another Wellness Wednesday! Here in March the theme for me is getting “Back to the Basics.” Throughout the past year I have made good strides toward better mental and emotional wellness. And I feel okay physically, but not in tip-top shape. I am getting chiropractic care for the first time in years, which is fantastic. But the other day I stepped on the scale just to check in, and WHOOPS! I had gained a few pounds in a rather short period of time. Now, I know the scale does not tell all, but I also know that my clothes…
Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday here at Tuning Hearts! I’m so glad you are joining us! If this is your first time here, feel free to look around and read back a few posts to get a feel for what we are all about! If you would like to participate in this week’s link-up, scroll on down to the bottom of this post for all the details on how to do that. Now, on with the post… On Eating Well We couldn’t go on much longer in this wellness vein without talking about eating well, could we? Last week I…