Faith Talk - Writing Life

Day 7: Hope #write31days2018

I took a little liberty with the timer on this one today because I wanted to try something different. It has been many years since I have tried writing any poetry, and this is a rather sorry attempt. But in the spirit of the “creativity” part of my theme this month, I decided to give it a shot anyway! Enjoy!

When Hope Breaks Through

When hope breaks through,
The darkness flees.
When hope breaks through,
My heart soars free.
Amidst the dark and stormy nights,
I find a deep and lasting peace,
When hope breaks through.

When hope breaks through
I lift my song.
When hope breaks through
The hurt and wrong,
My soul at last can find its voice.
My spirit sings the whole day long,
When hope breaks through.

When hope breaks through
The captives dance.
When hope breaks through
The vast expanse,
The Lord will win the victory.
And fear won’t have a fighting chance
When hope breaks through.

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”

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