Faith Talk - Writing Life

Day 3: Believe #write31days2018

Something I’ve been contemplating lately is how I live out what I believe in specific areas of my life. I have particularly been considering how my identity in Christ shapes my behavior.

If I believe, truly deep down, not just on a cerebral level, that I am a Daughter of the King of Kings, I will behave differently than if I believe I am still an orphan without a home.

If I believe that I am redeemed and saved by grace, I will stop striving to achieve and earn God’s love, living instead in the rest and peace of being fully His, even as I am fully known.

If I believe that my home is heaven and that my life on earth is short, I will be more intentional about how I spend my time and steward my temporary resources.

If I believe that my children are a gift and blessing, I will be glad to serve and train them up in the Lord, rather than often wishing they would not be such a “burden.”

My beliefs cannot remain only head knowledge. They must be fully rooted in my heart. They must make a difference in how I think, feel, act and speak. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may believe more fully and walk in the Light of Truth. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!

P.S.–If you are a regular reader wondering what happened to the Wellness Wednesday Link-up this week, I am taking a break from hosting it for this month due to the Write 31 Days challenge. Wellness Wednesdays will resume again in November!

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”

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