Faith Talk - Uncategorized - Writing Life

Day 10: How #write31days2018

There are so many “how” questions I could write on. I had trouble deciding which direction to go with this one. But in the spirit of the theme of community, I settled on exploring the question “How are you doing?”

These days we commonly ask “How are you?” as a greeting, not an actual question to which we expect an open and honest answer. But I think we also long to have someone look us in the eye and really care about the truth. How are you really doing, friend?

How is your health? How is your walk with the Lord? How are you doing with that new habit you are trying to form? How are you doing in your marriage? How are you doing as a parent?

These questions can bring up pain points in our lives, but we need the accountability of these questions in order to really be honest with ourselves and others, to really make a change. If I am afraid even to ask these questions of myself, I certainly wouldn’t want someone else to ask me.

But there is such great value in having a trusted friend who is not afraid of the truth of our messes and not shocked by our disfunction. I pray that I will find such a friend in time, and even more that I will become one for someone else.

This post is part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes and Write 31 Days blogging challenges. Find all my posts in this series under the tag “write31days2018.”

P.S.- If you came looking for this week’s Wellness Wednesday link-up, I should tell you that this month I am taking a break from hosting in lieu of the Write 31 Days challenge. The link-up will start back up in November with fresh content, so please check back then!

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