• Books and Reading - Uncategorized

    Reading Report, Vol. 24: January Progress and February Goals

    It has been an unseasonably warm few days here in our little part of Colorado, sunny and balmy and quite spring-like! The kids and I have been taking our school books outside by mid-morning so that we can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine before more snow and cold returns. This mid-winter thaw finds me in a transition not just between months, but also between books. I finished up a couple of things at the end of January and have yet to fill their places in my reading rotation. Perhaps as I write this post, it will help me decide…

  • Books and Reading

    Reading Report, Vol. 23: My Literary Goals for 2025

    As I promised in my first post of this new year, I am back this week with an update on my reading life. With all the stress of renovating, selling our house, packing up and moving across the country, and just normal daily life “stuff”, reading became very difficult for me in 2024. I would start books, only to drop them a chapter or two in. I would turn on an audio book only to mentally tune it out while my mind filled with distracted thoughts and to-do lists. In the evenings when I would normally have picked up a…

  • Books and Reading - Uncategorized

    Reading Report, Vol. 22: My Literary Life Update!

    Hello there! How can it be that I haven’t updated the blog in over two years!? Yikes! It has been a very full two years, let me tell you! Many life updates would be in order after such a long break, but for today, I will stick to an update of the bookish kind. Last week, I had the great pleasure of chatting with my podcast clients (and friends) on The Literary Life podcast about my own literary life. I was a bit nervous and scattered, and I didn’t love editing my own episode (ha!). But it was great fun…

  • Books and Reading

    The Reading Report, Vol. 21: 2020 Year in Review

    My, oh my, how time does fly! Moving to a new state and getting all settled, home renovations, homeschooling, Revelation Wellness Instructor Training, and podcast jobs have all kept me on my toes this fall! They have also taken so much of my physical and mental energy that blogging has taken a sad hit this year. But I have some time today, and I wanted to sit down and look back on this year in my reading life. Maybe sometime I will get around to a more general “life update” type of post before the end of 2020. For now,…

  • Books and Reading

    “The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club” Book Review

    This past weekend I finished reading The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy Sayers. It is one of her Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, and it was, of course, an enjoyable read. I seem to be gravitating to an awful lot of mystery stories this year. I guess it is no wonder because with the world in such chaos, I need a good detective book to take all the broken bits and puzzling clues and finally bring everything to a satisfying end. As my friends at the Literary Life podcast have pointed out in the past, mystery novels move from…